jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

The Spark in Dewei 
Chapter 3 
Laughter in the ribs (C.P.H.4) 
Narrates Dewei 

Dear Diary :
Well has already been a week since I've been given high, the truth is that everything has changed in my school, I get a better deal from my peers and play and to leave less work lately ... 
do not know why but I'm feeling unusual these teachers are not interested in learning when students leave no task, well I have to go to sleep tomorrow I have exam in history. 

Dewei ~ ~ 


Dear Diary: 
That exam was so easy, really, it looked like I had seen all the answer in the "key" 
if you do not know which is the "key" I'll tell you, the KEY is to examine the teacher when reviewing exams used to be next to the answers! I want to clarify that I did not see and I'm not lying, changing the subject, a man handed me a bag .. (check the bag) .... is blue and looks like a kind of powder that smell .... ? ... 

(sniffs the powder but suddenly this instantly goes into his body) 
AHHH! HU AG AYUfdkls ...................................

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