jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

The Spark in Dewei Chew 

Chapter 1 
New beginnings. 
Narrates the Author 

Dewei, children aged 12 years and having entered puberty began to feel that, that ... ouch! 
A new feeling, a new why ... a spark. 

This little boy came from a middle class family, thanks to this Dewei could be educated as any boy out there because his father owned High School Fuji in Shizuoka City. 

The next day, Dewei already in school and met Kumiko, the apple of eternal beauty as her other suitors Dewei and suddenly Dewei saw that a man was pointing a gun at Kumiko and quickly pounced on Dewei this man that missed his shot and it fell to the ground knocking him unconscious dry ... 

Dewei achieved his goal, but caused the bullet penetrate him in his torso, Kumiko in an attempt to save aa Dewei, scarf pulled and tied around his torso and his glazed eyes he said. "Please resists. "and Kumiko quickly rose Dewei and held it between his shoulders so that he will rest, took from his wallet his phone and dialed the number of the ambulance so that it will take Dewei and treated as quickly as possible but Dewei slumped in his face and fell to the floor. 

Narrates Kumiko 
Dear Diary :
I feel so sad yet myself lucky because for the first time in my life someone had risked his life for me and that was Dewei! In a few hours I'm going to visit with my mother to see as found but has not awakened from about 6 months ago, but there is no reason to lose hope (Shedding tears on the day).

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